Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I decided not to write anything until I wasn't ranting about how hurt I was.  Yes, it sucked, and yes, it has changed me, but I'm not spending the days wishing all kinds of evil.  I have spent a few days counting Priuses.. Prisii? Not sure what the plural is.
This started when Jon's XC coach commented that he can always tell when he is back in Berkeley due to all the Priusii here.  I had never thought much of it, so I began counting.
While waiting for a traffic light one Thursday afternoon in front of the farmer's market in North Berkeley, I was passed by 17 Priusii. I made a trip to Oakland to pick up some medication and on the trip I counted 85 Prisii.  It was only the next town over, not a day trip!  On a drive to drop off kidlet #1 at the high school 2 miles away, the count was 25.
Yes, I guess Berkeley does have its share.  How green is your community?
Oh, and Brenda, thanks for the sauce from the Back Door BBQ

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